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on fine art editions
a unique space for collaboration
on fine art editions
a unique space for collaboration
print photography film video multiple artist book performance art


etc believes research to be a critical facet – applying Rosalind Krauss’s notion of the “expanded field” to the medium of print, photography, multiple, artist book, video, film and, in an increasingly contemporary context: performance art, opening up interesting new perspectives which are not limiting.

etc offers space to discuss fine art editions while looking at current issues such artist research, artistic practice, art theory, curatorial criteria, aesthetics and visual media.

Our objective is to open up investigations into the complex matter of fine art editions in contemporary art; creating interdisciplinary platforms to promote a discourse between science and artistic practices, as well as fostering research-, educational- and curatorial projects.

“And then what makes the work interesting is if you choose the right questions”
Bruce Nauman